Mumbo  Jumbo on Canvas
Mechanized Mumbo Jumbo - part of an ongoing series - pen and ink on canvas with dyes.

Mechanized Mumbo-Jumbo

This is part of a series titled Mechanized Mumbo-Jumbo that uses geometric shapes combined with machine like shapes to suggest an impossible mechanical process.




                                                                   Idea Machine


                                                         Eternal Love

"Humble Beginnings" show, Gallery at 14 Maple

The Humble Beginnings opening at the "Gallery at 14 Maple",  Morristown, NJ, will be March 10, 6PM to 8PM. I have 3 pieces included in this show with an extensive group of fine artists. The theme is artworks done with a variety of materials and ideas referring to a time when we were all young and just beginning to do art.

                                First Love

                                 First Love 2